In India, KIMCOSEEDS INC. launched a new venture of promoting flower seeds in India in 2017. Mr Milind Kerkar is the CEO and Founder of KIMCOSEEDS INC. Our Company focuses of providing high quality flower seeds to farmers and distributors.
Marigold Flowers are an integral part of our culture. Our focus areas are providing high quality Marigold Seeds and Ornamental Seeds. Our products are KIMCOSEEDS INC. Marigold varieties namely Marigold Y (Marigold Yellow), Marigold Y+ (Marigold Yellow Plus), Marigold G+ (Marigold Gold Plus) and Marigold O+ (Marigold Orange Plus). We are in the business of Marigold Seed selling. These are other variants of Marigold such as F1 Hybrid flower seeds and other varieties which are commonly referred to as Genda, Jhenda, Gendu.
Ornamental Seeds have 56 different varieties including Petunia flowering seed, Vinca flowering seed. We get the top quality of flower seeds from Thailand.
Our Seeds are resistant to Heat, Rain, Disease, Welt and Humidity.
Check our product catalogue and gallery for complete list of flowering seeds under sale.